September 3rd, 2024

Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Asset Management Co., Ltd.

To Whom it May Concern:

Announcing the Listing of 

SMT ETF Selected Japan Equity Active (TSE stock code: 257A)

SMT ETF Selected J-REIT Active (TSE stock code: 258A)

Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Asset Management Co., Ltd. (CEO and President: Yoshio Hishida; hereinafter "SuMi TRUST AM") is pleased to announce the SMT ETF Selected Japan Equity Active (Code: 257A) and the SMT ETF Selected J-REIT Active (Code: 258A) (hereinafter, “the ETFs”) will be listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange on September 24, 2024.

The SMT ETF Selected Japan Equity Active incorporates beneficiary certificates of Japanese securities. This product is a new accessible investment vehicle of the Sakigake High Alpha strategy. It aims to capture excess returns by outperforming its benchmark, the TOPIX Total Return Index, through the in-depth analysis of individual securities, proactive assessment of market trends, and the discerning selection of securities to be included in its portfolio.

The SMT ETF Selected J-REIT Active primarily invests in real estate investment trusts securities that are listed (or are to be listed) on financial instruments exchanges in Japan (“J-REITs”). This product will be managed with the aim of stable long-term growth, and our selection of securities has been made with consideration for the investment grade of each security, including factors such as assessment of the investment environment, analysis of real estate held by each security, and forecasts of income and dividend.

Further information for the ETFs is available in the respective Fund Prospectus and the Securities Registration Document.


SuMi TRUST AM is committed to pursuing new forms of asset management that meet the needs of the times and aspirations for the future.

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Any enquiries regarding the products should be made to:
Hirofumi Hayashi
Head of Investment Management Department
Sumitomo Mitsui Trust International Limited
155 Bishopsgate, London EC2M 3XU, United Kingdom
Direct: +44 20 7562 8405
Sumitomo Mitsui Trust International Limited is authorised and regulated by the
Financial Conduct Authority
© Sumitomo Mitsui Trust International Limited 2024